Leo Forecast the result of extensive research work of last 40 years is the best gift for business professionals.

Leo Forecast is an astrological program uses historical data and astrological calculations to determine the direction of future trends. . This tries to co-relate the planetary movement with ups & downs of the script or the commodity rates. It extrapolates this correlation to forecast the future rates of the script. It is the combination of astrology and mathematics to give the estimates of the scripts.

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Why Leo Forecast?

Leo Forecast is an astrological program. This tries to co-relate the planetary movement with ups & downs of the script or the commodity rates. It extrapolates this correlation to forecast the future rates of the script. It is the combination of astrology and mathematics to give the estimates of the scripts.

LeoForecast Trading System is a Fixed Charting system i.e. Users Get a Complete and Ready to Use Positional Trading Signals with Charts. All Buy Sell Signals come with Entry Level, Targets and Stoploss based on advanced indicators and other factors.

All great features of LeoForecast are incorporated in it with extra special features given below-

  • Decision Making : You know which tools or calculations are used in your decision making..
  • Timing: You get recommendations in live market or prior.
  • Trailing stoploss: You get proper stoploss & trailing stoploss time to time.
  • Historical study: You can see previous history and levels of stock on the graph.
  • Costing: One time & less cost
  • Dependency: No dependency whenever you are free you can open software and see current market situation.
$2499.99Buy Now

Leo Forecast Demo

Leo Forecast is an astrological program. This tries to co-relate the planetary movement with ups & downs of the script or the commodity rates. It extrapolates this correlation to forecast the future rates of the script. It is the combination of astrology and mathematics to give the estimates of the scripts.

LeoForecast Trading System is a Fixed Charting system i.e. Users Get a Complete and Ready to Use Positional Trading Signals with Charts. All Buy Sell Signals come with Entry Level, Targets and Stoploss based on advanced indicators and other factors.

All great features of LeoForecast are incorporated in it with extra special features given below-

  • Decision Making : You know which tools or calculations are used in your decision making..
  • Timing: You get recommendations in live market or prior.
  • Trailing stoploss: You get proper stoploss & trailing stoploss time to time.
  • Historical study: You can see previous history and levels of stock on the graph.
  • Costing: One time & less cost
  • Dependency: No dependency whenever you are free you can open software and see current market situation.
$499.99Buy Now





Share Market Trends

You will be able to know about the ups and downs in the rate of any share, Sensex.

Commodity Trends

Commodity trends prediction for Intraday,Short term,Medium term and Long term

Currency Relation

Relation between and $. Ups and down in currencies

Gold & Silver

Ups and Downs in Gold, Silver & other metals


You need to put only the old rate of that particular thing in your computer. Computer will calculate the planetary positions and forecast the future prices through graph. You will be able to know about the ups and downs in the rate of any share, Sensex, Commodity, Gold, Silver, Dollar, Pound etc.

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